What are the next steps?
Unlock your public sector sales potential.
Once RFP responses are evaluated, our Board of Directors awards the contract to the most responsive and responsible supplier(s). Our clients at participating agencies can then purchase goods and services through the contract.

Grow your public sector business with an awarded Sourcewell contract
The buzz on cooperative purchasing
State, local, and education agencies are increasingly using cooperative contracts to drive efficiencies in the purchasing process as well as take advantage of leveraged savings.
Building an ultimate sales pipeline
A Sourcewell contract will put your company ahead of your competition. As a government agency, public entities are able to rely on Sourcewell's rigorous evaluation and bidding process to offer them the brands they want, on time, and within budget.
Lead with your brand, close with Sourcewell
Since Sourcewell has already done the bidding process, agencies can quickly gather quotes while relying on your brand, local sales agents, dealer networks, or distributers for installation and support.