607 results
Turning Dreary to Dreamy Nothing can help brighten a dreary situation quite like color.Special Education paras Crystal McGruder and Kayla Vejtasa from Staples-Motley Elementary rose to the occasion and are making rainbows from the rain.McGruder and …
Regional Roadmap to Resources and Recovery Serving our members and communities has always been a priority at Sourcewell. These challenging times of navigating uncharted territory is no exception.We want to do our part by providing a centralized location …
Recognizing Rainbows In these trying times, good news is something we could all use. In the coming days and weeks, we will feature ‘Recognizing Rainbows,’ small glimmers of color and light in an otherwise dreary world.If you have something you'd …
Helping Teens Find Their Creativity The Crossing Arts Alliance (CAA) in downtown Brainerd is one of the first nonprofit organizations to receive Small Project Partnership funding from Sourcewell.Thanks, in part, to the $2,500 award, the Crossing recently …
Care to Share? Shared equipment increases efficiency With gun drawn, Walker Police Chief Wayne Tennis quickly aims and prepares to pull the trigger.Fortunately, this is only a simulation taking place at the Pine River Police Department. And the gun shoots …
Have You Heard the Buzz? More than 30 students from across a five-county area will take the stage at Sourcewell on Wednesday, March 25 at 1:30 p.m. for the 2020 Regional Spelling Bee. The event is free and open to the public.The group of participating …
LOCAL EVENTS - MARCH 2020 All events held at Sourcewell (unless noted otherwise). DATEEVENTABOUTMarch 3, 202011:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.Brainerd Lakes Area Lunch and Learn: Planned and Legacy GivingFor nonprofits: Bring your own lunch to learn, network, …
Ragnar Joins Crosby Police Department An idea - years in the making - finally grew legs this year. Four of them, in fact.Thanks to the financial support of the community and funding through Sourcewell's Small Project Partnership, the Crosby Police …
Q&A with Karrie Ehlenfeldt: Committing to the practice of teaching There are only five Level 3-certified High Reliability Teachers in the United States. Impressively, three teach in the Walker-Hackensack-Akeley School District. Karrie Ehlenfeldt, WHA …
Meaningful connections RIPL through Bertha-Hewitt School District There's a RIPL effect surging across the region and state. RIPL – or Relational, Impactful, Preventative Leadership – equips teachers and staff with tools to connect with students in …