607 results
It was C-L-O-S-E It all came down to a tiebreaker.In the end, Menahga sixth-grader Greta Alajoki was named champion of the virtual 2021 Regional Spelling Bee, hosted by Sourcewell.Alajoki moves on to compete June 27 in the semifinals, which determines the …
Advancing Classrooms and Careers Imagine advancing three lanes on your district's pay scale at no cost to you.Pequot Lakes teacher Michele Zeidler has done just that by utilizing the Alternative Career Pathways program through Sourcewell to not only …
Make your Community Impact Funding application shine You've got your idea. You've got your team. Now you need some money. Community Impact Funding could fit the bill!Get started on your application for 2021 funding using these six tips.Download and save …
Tis the Season for Learning Upcoming local events See what's happening at Sourcewell, and throughout the five-county area, in the upcoming months.Your health and safety are important to us. For now, all events will be delivered virtually.Date & …
Online. On Time. On Point. See what's happening at Sourcewell, and throughout the five-county area, in the upcoming months.Your health and safety are important to us. For now, all events will be delivered virtually.DATEEVENTABOUTNov. 5, 20208:45 a.m. - 12 …
Q&A with Rachel Logan: We Can No Longer Be Silent When Rachel Logan quit her teaching job in Fargo to start a new chapter in Houston (TX), little did she know she would forever change the course of her life. Read a special Q&A with Sourcewell Equity and …
In Good Hands Seven child care providers from seven local counties have been named 2020 Sourcewell Child Care Providers of the Year.The announcements were made at the third-annual child care networking conference hosted by Sourcewell. Typically held …
Bridge the Gap in Distance Learning On July 30, 2020, Governor Tim Walz announced that the state of Minnesota will work with individual school districts to determine whether students go back in-person, virtually, or in a hybrid model for the 2020-21 …
Cool Opportunities During the Dog Days of Summer Whether you're in education, local government, or nonprofit work - Sourcewell has a variety of online learning options to meet your needs and expand your expertise this summer.EducationISTE Summer Learning …
Giving Time to Charitie In June, Charitie Herbst was named Manager of Community Solutions at Sourcewell. Despite the new title and role, Charitie isn't new to the organization. We had an opportunity to sit down and ask Charitie a few questions to …