More Than a Name Change
The heart of our organization is service, and Sourcewell proudly proclaims who we are and what we do. Sourcewell stands out in a world filled with acronyms. We boldly changed our name as part of an overall plan to deepen relationships with you, our clients, and to make it easier for you to find the solutions you need.
After nearly two years of research and planning, National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) became Sourcewell on June 6, 2018.
What is NOT Changing
Our Mission.
Our commitment to service and
exceeding client expectations.
Our relationship with you.
Participation agreements and
your Sourcewell account number.*
Our existing contracts,
supplier relationships,
and other services.
Search Cooperative Purchasing Contracts
*Contracts and agreements entered into with the National Joint Powers Alliance name will remain valid and continue in effect without impact. This ensures contractual continuity and safeguards against disruptions to engagement with Sourcewell or NJPA. This includes use of cooperative purchasing contracts or other binding contractual engagements such as state's participating addenda.

The Story Behind the Logo
A Bold Step Forward
The mosaic in the logo represents the streets, parks, schools, and integral roads connecting them all, while the distinctive orange arrow signals forward progress for the communities we serve.
Additionally, the emphasis on well signifies our commitment to being a valued source for public agencies.