22nd Century Technologies
Security, cloud, network, and data services
Maturity Date: 2/27/2028
Products & Services
Sourcewell contract 121923-CEN gives access to the following types of goods and services:
- Managed security services
- Cybersecurity
- Cloud solutions
- Intelligent Doc Processing (IDP)
- Computer-aided dispatch
- Record management system
- Asset management and tracking
- AI/Ml solutions
- Network infrastructure and management
- Identity and access management
- IT systems integrator
- IT managed service provider
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Contract Documentation
Competitive Solicitation Documentation
Contact Information
Supplier Contact Information
To purchase off this contract or for questions regarding products and pricing, please contact:
Sourcewell Contact Information
For questions regarding contract documentation or the solicitation process, please contact:
Phone: 218-895-4173
Email: michelle.spychalla@sourcewell-mn.gov
Phone: 218-895-4123
Email: lindsey.meech@sourcewell-mn.gov
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