Vehicle Lifts and Garage Equipment
Maturity Date: 2/12/2028
Products & Services
Sourcewell contract 121223-LFT gives access to the following types of goods and services:
- Challenger vehicle lifts and BendPak automotive lifts
- Mobile column and bus lifts
- Coats tire machines and wheel balancers
- Omer parallelogram, truck, and platform lifts
- Two post, four post, and portable lifts
- Buy America vehicle lifts, garage and auto shop equipment
- Lift installation and ALI-Certified lift inspections
- N/S truck wash, bus wash, and car wash
- Chassis wash, water reclaim systems, and vacuums
- Air compressors, air treatment, and dryers
- Reciprocating air and rotary screw air compressors
- Lathes, shop presses, jacks, and wheel dollies
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Phone: 218-895-4129
Phone: 218-894-5482
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