P.L. Custom
Firefighting apparatus
Maturity Date: 2/10/2026
Products & Services
Sourcewell contract 113021-PLC gives access to the following types of goods and services:
- Walk-around: 16.3-25-ft. body
- Walk-in: 16.3-25-ft. body
- Light-duty vehicles
- Command centers
- First response emergency medical vehicles
- Advanced life support emergency vehicles
- Ford, Chevrolet, and Ram chassis
- International, Freightliner, and Kenworth chassis
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Contract Documentation
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Pricing Documentation
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Contact Information
Supplier Contact Information
To purchase off this contract or for questions regarding products and pricing, please contact:
Sourcewell Contact Information
For questions regarding contract documentation or the solicitation process, please contact:
Phone: 218-541-5426
Email: jon.stodola@sourcewell-mn.gov
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