Off-road vehicles, UTVs, ATVs, Snowmobiles
Maturity Date: 11/13/2028
Website: polaris.com/gov
Products & Services
Sourcewell contract 091024-PSI gives access to the following types of goods and services:
- RANGER utility side-by-side
- Sportsman all-terrain vehicles
- GENERAL crossover side-by-side
- RZR performance side-by-sides
- Polaris XPEDITION side-by-side
- Pro XD work utility side-by-side
- Polaris Snowmobiles
- Fire and Rescue Packages
- Law Enforcement Packages
- Vehicle offerings in gas, diesel, or electric
Additional information can be found on the vendor-provided nongovernment website at polaris.com/gov
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Sourcewell Contact Information
For questions regarding contract documentation or the solicitation process, please contact:
Phone: 218-541-5428
Email: tyler.prokes@sourcewell-mn.gov
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