New Way FleetForce

Garbage truck rentals

Maturity Date:  6/11/2028


Products & Services

Sourcewell contract 040924-NWY gives access to the following types of goods and services:

  • Diamondback under-CDL rear loader rental
  • Wolverine under-CDL automated side loader rental
  • Cobra mid-size rear loader rental
  • Cobra Magnum rear loader rental; higher compaction
  • King Cobra rear loader rental; highest compaction
  • Sidewinder XTR automated side loader rental
  • Mammoth and Mammoth Wester front loader rental
  • Rear load refuse truck rentals
  • Front load refuse truck rentals
  • Under-CDL refuse truck rentals
  • Garbage truck rentals

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Contract Documentation

Competitive Solicitation Documentation

Pricing Documentation

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