Electric Vehicle Choice (EVC)
Electric vehicles & related equipment/services
Maturity Date: 7/9/2028
Products & Services
Sourcewell contract 032824-ELV gives access to the following types of goods and services:
- Medium duty electric vehicles (e.g. step vans, flatbeds)
- Heavy duty electric trucks (e.g. refuse, utility, dump)
- Upfitting equipment and installation (e.g. bodies, cranes)
- Hardware and software for zero and low emissions fleet
- EV chargers including installation, MRO
- EV software (e.g. charging, energy management, telematics)
- Battery energy storage systems (BESS), including V2X/V2G
- ePTO/PHEV/power conversion hardware and software
- Battery inspection, health and safety certifications
- EV technician, driver and operator training courses
- Compliance and planning consulting
- Grant application support and processing
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Sourcewell Contact Information
For questions regarding contract documentation or the solicitation process, please contact:
Phone: 218-541-5355
Email: mike.epsky@sourcewell-mn.gov
Phone: 218-894-5482
Email: rachel.delaney@sourcewell-mn.gov
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